Thursday, June 5, 2008

That's it in a nutshell

Sorry guys. I know it's been a while. Let me see if I can sum up what's gone on in the last week. First off, I managed to really screw up my neck after that deadly flu I had. The chiropractor fixed it enough to a point where I could move my neck again... but I was still in a lot of pain. I ended up going for a massage which helped tremendously.

I've just been lazy be perfectly honest. That TV rule I had while juice feasting has flown out the window and I've been spending many nights just vegging on the couch watching TV. I need to get my bum on the rebounder again.

I had my first official meeting with my Guru today. Today's lesson was about the breath. The breath, I was told, is food for the body. Oxygen carries this energy called "Prana" into the body and this nourishes our cells. I was taught how to breathe today. She made me do some kundalini yoga and also made me speak to my inner wisdom. It was REALLY intense. I almost cried at some point. She's a really great teacher.

She made me some medicine too; triphala with some sacred ashes that she prayed on. That's right.... ashes. I didn't say anything at the time... but this worries me. Ashes, I imagine, are carcinogenic? Where did these ashes come from anyway? I'm concerned so I sent her an email asking for details of these ashes.

I also asked what I should do for my diet; she had mentioned she wanted me to incorporate some cooked foods into my diet. I was told today to start adding cooked root vegetables such as beets, carrots and sweet potatoes. Also squash was a good idea.

I would have thought that I would have been more disappointed with this change of path... moving away from raw foods after doing SO well at it. I realize though that we have to be flexible... we have to be open to what is. I'm being open to the possibility that maybe raw foods isn't the answer for me. Let's not forget; some people do really well on macro diets while others do really well on raw foods. We're all different and maybe there are different answers for all of us. I'm going to give this a shot and see how I feel.

Besides... it's not like she asked me to start eating oreo cookies, beef jerky and spam sandwiches here.... Of all the cooked foods I could be eating, I think carrots, beets, squash and sweet potato are really healthy options. I'm going to focus on steaming or boiling them in miso soup.

That's all I have to report for now.

Miss you guys! I'll catch up on your blogs soon, I promise!

- Ben


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

I think you should eat whatever you feel is right for you. Try it for a while and see how it goes. Glad you found a great teacher. She sounds interesting.
XO - Miss your posts!
Pixy Lisa

MiandO said...

Vata Ben!

I am so glad you are ok, I was getting a little worried. For some weird reason my last comment to you didn't go through...but to sum it up, I am also a certified Ayurvedic Nutritionist and have total faith in everything your "guru" has recommended you do. It's time to get earthy and grounded my dear! She sounds very intuitive which is great. Staying mindfully flexible in mind, body and spirit will only bring you more goodness. I admire your courage and willingness to try new things.
Be well my friend..and may the journey to wellness and happiness continue, together!

Penni said...

Hi Cutie...your new found guru sounds like she's a great fit for where you are right now. I don't know about the ashes either but it sounds pretty interesting. I'm not a member of the raw food police so I think that doing a percentage of healthy cooked root vegetables sounds fine, if that feels good to you, do it.

Glad you're feeling better.