Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New look!

I'm skipping the Monday write-up because I'm just running behind on these. I always write my entries the day after; that way, I know exactly what I ate and what happened throughout the day. I also backdate each entry because I'm anal that way.

So... first things first... What do you think of the new look? I worked hard all night trying to get this to work. I notice now that there's a few colour issues I have to fix but otherwise, I'm happy! This is exactly what I had pictured my blog would look like. This unifies all my blogs with a coherent look. Cuuuute!

I brought nori rolls to work today and made everyone jealous. It was soooo yummy. I made this awesome dipping sauce using pecan butter, miso, ginger and left over marinade from the marinated shitake mushrooms. It was such a yummy sauce to dip nori rolls into. YUM!

I had to go set up a kiosk at the end of the day, today. Afterwards, I went to the health food store to pick up a few things.... I found out that this health food store (the one closer to home) just started carrying sun-dried olives. And they were much cheaper too! Whooo hooo. Then I got home and realized; same brand... not the same olives. These were plain sun-dried olives with PITS. The ones I usually get are sun-dried HERBED and PITTED olives. The herbed ones are SO MUCH tastier. The plain ones were a bit bitterer. I guess this means I'll keep using them for salads and won't snack on them as much. This may be a good thing because these herbed olives are an expensive snack!

I still haven't gotten around to perfecting a budget for food but I think I should be able to get around to that tomorrow. There must be a way to do raw-food on 150$/week.

Does anyone have a theory as to why ORGANIC CUCUMBERS are so damn expensive? I paid 4$ for an organic cucumber. I couldn't believe it! The farmer's market is opening soon... while they don't sell organic produce... I may consider buying certain items from them such as herbs and onions and other produce I can delude myself into thinking aren't pesticide-ridden.

Today I had:

2L Grape/Pineapple smoothie
¼ watermelon
4 nori rolls (sprouts, shitake, carrots, chayote, green onions, mangoes)
1 larabar (cocoa)
Fattoush salad (yes! Again!) with creamy sweet garlic dressing
2 Apples
Lots of water
Leaky gut formula

I love nori rolls! =)

- Ben Kaelan


Penni said...

Your new look is very clean and hip, like you!


RAW FOOD R&R: Rations & Rational said...

Hi Ben!
This guy had psor over much of his body and healed himself 95% for good - he says.
Just thought in case you might like to contact him someday. I am not familiar with him, never heard of him until a minute ago.
Love to know how yours is, mine is a disappointment so far in this feast :-(

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben,

Love the new look!


Michelle said...

Pitted olives cost so much more than the unpitted. I hate to pay but I hate to pit too. I should buy an olive pitter.

Love the look, love nori rolls, love you!

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Great new look Ben! I feel like I've eaten my weight in nori rolls the last few days. Your's sound YUM =)
Pixy Lisa