Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mushroomy goodness!

Today was kind of fun. I went to the congress centre today to host a kiosk. My coworker Kate even surprised me with a carrot/ginger/apple juice from BoosterJuice. I was happy! I did my usual ice-pack routine. I made a tasty salad that I put in a metal bowl that sat on an ice pack in my backpack all day.

I got a comment on my blog not too long ago asking me to join into this recipe contest. The only rule was; the recipe had to include mushrooms. The organizers had told me that no one had submitted a raw recipe yet and they were curious to see what I would come up with. The prize? Two pounds of morel mushrooms. I’m not even sure what I would do with morel mushrooms… I don’t think I’ve ever had any nor seen any in any of the gourmet stores I visit.

So after the kiosk was over, I went and got about 50grams of chanterelle mushrooms: about 1 cup. I got home and the engines started turning. I came up with a really stunning dish that was both very gourmet and very tasty. It had this superb contrast of flavors; a sprightly quality contrasted with bold savory spices. I’m starting to sound like a somalier.

After I was done gobbling up my creation, I returned to the laptop to type up the whole recipe. I was about to post the recipe for the contest when I realized… it was only opened to residents of the US. Damn! Oh well; no loss there. I’m so happy with this recipe that it will very likely be a cornerstone of my upcoming e-recipe book. Yum yum yum. I’m salivating just thinking about it.

Speaking of salivating…at the kiosk today… there were SO MANY HOTTIES. Seriously! And of all things… it was an IT conference… who knew computer nerds were so hot? A few of them were total GQ material. Yum!

Today I had:

2 nori rolls (for breakfast! tee hee!)
1/4 watermelon
A few handfuls of cashews
750ml Carrot/apple/ginger juice
Carrot/beet salad
A bag of dulse
Chanterelle mushroom dish :)
2 apples
Probiotics/Enzymes/leaky gut formula

Ta ta for now!

- Ben


Hanlie said...

Will you be my chef one day when I'm rich and famous? I'll make sure you get your own (un)cooking show!

That mushroom looks like a bath sponge!

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

I can't wait for your recipe books to come out! Hurry UP!
Pixy Lisa

Michelle said...

You are such a tease! Going on and on about your wonderful recipes that sound like heaven and then keeping them secret! How will we survive? Get typing that book man! We NEED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. You are such a sweetie. I am glad you are doing so good and while I missed you I am thrilled at the way things are unfolding for you. You are a superstar!

Much love