Thursday, May 8, 2008

Grocery Day Success!

I did it! A few tweaks, some budgeting and lots of counting while grocery shopping all contributed to keeping this week's grocery budget to under 200$. I actually spent 185$. Whooo hooo! Given this success, I may just stop by the gourmet store and pick up some blewit mushrooms and lots of fresh herbs tomorrow. Whooo hooo!

I'm sure next week will be even better; I had run out of a few staples this week (ACV, CP sesame oil). I bought some broccoli today for the first time in aaaages. I haven't had any since pre-juice feast. I'm hoping to try Ani's broccoli mash.

In other news, I finally joined the 21rst century and got a google reader account. I can't believe I didn't do this earlier. Now I can keep up with everyone's blogs with a lot more ease. I've been pretty busy lately and I haven't had a chance to keep up with some of my favorite people (you know who you are!) :P

Oh and best of all... I got some more herbed sun-dried olives! :)

Today I had:

Few handfuls of cashews
2 Apples
1/4 of a watermelon
1 large fattoush salad with creamy sweet savory dressing (no garlic at work!)
2 servings of marinated bok choi and shitake mushroom salad
A few honey dates.

That was actually a big savings today; buying honey dates instead of medjool. I also bought two 3-packs of organic romaine lettuce which was much cheaper than 2 containers of baby romaine lettuce. This also means I get 6 meals out of that instead of 4. Sweet! :) These are just a few of the tweaks I made to the grocery list.

That's all for now!

- Ben :)


Hanlie said...

I've never doubted that one can be successfully raw on a budget! Well done Ben!

It was good to see you over in my corner of the blogosphere again!

Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Good job on the shopping. A new grocery just opened up the street from me called Market Street It's a lot like Whole Foods. I'm so excited! I saved a lot on groceries today too.
Woo Hoo!
Pixy Lisa