Thursday, May 1, 2008

Chiro day!

It was time for my bi-weekly spinal adjustment today. My chiropractor noticed that I was subluxated in all the toxicity areas of the spine. My body apparently thinks I’m giving it toxins right now which is normal. After not having solid foods in so long, my body is apparently having a rough time adjusting to solids. It thinks of solids as foreign objects. Hmmm… Well the good news is, my spine has been adjusted!

I asked my chiropractor if she could recommend anyone who could help me release all the repressed anger and resentment I’m probably holding to from all the torture and harassment I experienced in School. She gave me this one person’s card who is also her spiritual counselor. She suddenly brought something to my attention that I didn’t really consider before. She pointed out how the work that I’ve been doing with her for almost a year now, the juice feasting and ultimately the raw food diet… this is most likely a natural progression; my body has been preparing for the emotional release that I’m now focusing on. She said that the release may be so intense, when I do experience it, that it will leave me feeling really drained… but it’s like intuitively, I’ve been “preparing” for this through chiropractic care, cleansing through juice feasting and strengthening myself with a raw food diet. I’m fertilizing the soil that will bring forth inner peace.

I do find it interesting how there has been a sort of progression from one thing to another lately; from chiropractic care to juice feasting, to raw food diet, to emotional detox. The journey definitely continues….

Today I had:

1.5L “Frozen grape yogurt”
1 bag of dulse (not really breakfast food…but I wanted it!)
1 small ziplock bag of homemade trail mix
1 “Ben’s version of fattoush” salad with creamy sweet dressing
2 larabars (banana/almond/date)
4 sushi rolls (sprouts, avocado, carrot, cucumber, marinated mushrooms)
1 small baby spinach salad with sweet and sprightly dressing
1L of water

I’ll get around to posting recipes soon… I promise! It’s just been really hectic lately… well not really… to be honest… I’ve just been feeling really tired lately and have been listening to my body by going to bed earlier.

Ciao for now!

- Ben


Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, congrats on your return to solids and best wishes for dealing with the repressed emotional stuff. I hope I get there someday myself. Am looking forward to the recipes... 1.5 Litres! of 'frozen grape yogurt' has me wondering!

Penni said...

That is really powerful, your chiropractor's observations of the journey you've been on. It makes so much sense...I am really happy for you. I know that once this all get out and you're freed up, you're going to feel like a new person. You are very brave, Ben Kaelan.


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

I can't wait for my chiro to get back from his travels. I miss him so much! Congrats on your beautiful journey Ben! Only more good stuff to come your way...
Pixy Lisa

Hanlie said...

Oh Ben, I'm with you all the way. I'm also finding myself on the verge of a huge emotional release. At first I thought it was just my hormones, but there's definitely more than that going on. I can't wait!

Thanks for posting the link for the Louise L Hay movie. That's just what I need today. The Universe is using you to provide that for me today! Which basically makes you an angel!

I'm really looking forward to some of those recipes. The bok choy salad looks absolutely delicious as does the curry noodles (although of course we don't get those coconuts here, so I won't be able to make it).

Unknown said...

I know it's been a while now, but it's good to hear that your spine had been adjusted back to its normal shape. And I know it would continue to heal as long as you take a regular release of stress, both physically and emotionally.