Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Still alive post-raw cooking class! :)

Sorry everyone for the lapse of time without updates. I am alive and well and eating lots of good stuff (except for the occasional chocolate macaroon and the few sun-dried black olive binges). I was incredibly busy last week preparing for the raw-vegan cooking class. Practice runs, typing up mini-cookbooks to hand-out and generally just stressing over how this was going to go down.

I’m happy to report that my “uncooking” class went super well! It was so much fun! People loved my little raw creations and I got to talk a lot about the lifestyle in general. The funniest part of the workshop was when I pulled out the miso and said “now miso isn’t technically raw”… some of the participants went “Ooooooooo!” hahhaa. The raw-sushi was definitely a hit (especially the marinated shitake mushrooms) and the chocolate desserts went so fast… I didn’t even have time to take pictures! Even I was surprised at how delicious the chocolate mousse parfaits were!

I’ll be posting some of these recipes on “A Crunchy Conspiracy” shortly. In the meantime, here’s what I taught this weekend;

  • Raw sushi madness
  • Marinated Bok Choi and Shitake salad
  • Green curry coconut noodles (from Raw Food Real World)
  • Happy Date and Fig Squares (adapted from goneraw.com)
  • Chocolate mousse parfaits
  • Chocolate sushi rolls (didn’t have enough time to firm up, ended up being chocolate truffles)

I even got to talk about juice feasting! The participants were genuinely interested and curious about raw foods and juicing. It was really great! I got to sneak away with green curry leftovers which was awesome because I REALLY love this dish right now. I’ve had TONS of green curry this weekend; from the practice run and from teaching the workshop. Sarma’s recipes are to die for!

I missed blogging and I missed you guys! Hope you weren’t too concerned. As you can imagine, this was a lot of work to prepare for and I was pretty burnt over the following days. My kitchen is a bit of a mess still; I cleaned it all before starting the prep work on Sunday morning (before the class) and … now it’s a mess again. The prep work consisted of hacking open 8 coconuts to make coconut noodles (I saved one to demo during the class). I also made faux tuna for the sushi. That also went over very well; people were just eating it out of the bowl at the end! Hehehe.

On the emotional-detox front, things have been progressing very well. My dreams have reached a new level where I’m actually being explained what the iconography of my dreams signifies. The other night I was dreaming of dried flowers and suddenly this little girl came up to me and told me that dried flowers represented emotional detox. I’m sure that’s not the case for everyone but I thought that merited mentioning. It’s weird how my subconscious is becoming personified in my dreams and is cooperating with my conscious mind to divulge its secrets.

This are going pretty well so far. :) Sorry again for the delayed posting... Today I had:

8 dates (the fruit kind... not the cute boy kind)
half a watermelon

a few flax crackers
a few sundried black olives

one bowl of green curry coconut noodles

a few dried figs

my version of fattoush salad with creamy sweet garlic dressing

That's it! :)

- Ben


Lisa (Pixywinks) said...

Tomorrow is my SALAD DAY! I so can't wait. I'm going to get ingredients in a few minutes. I can hardly even decide what to get except an avocado.

Your dream is so cool. I've never heard on getting an explanation inside the dream itself. Remarkable!

I wish I could eat some of your bok choy salad and that sushi OMG. I'm dying for salad!!!! LOL

Pixy Lisa

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear your class was a huge success. The food sounds divine. Keep those awesome dreams coming.


Michelle said...

Ben!!! You're back! I am so happy. Your class looks so fun and the food looks divine. I am so glad it was a success for you. I look forward to seeing your recipes. I have to get that Pure Food book. I have thumbed through it a few times but everything looks so difficult. That coconut curry looks ridiculous though.

It is so great that you are getting some clarity in your dreams. I am happy for you.

Keep uncookin!


MiandO said...

YUM-OLA!!! WOW, you are an Iron chef, raw-style! hehe Won't that be awesome if they did a raw version of iron chef...what would the secret ingredient be?? hummmm Chia seeds? haha

No worries about being MIA. I have been a supper slacker myself! There is just so much to do in life -can't always be on the blog. Plus I am currently managing three, so one naturally has to give.

But, I love your update and photos!

Oh, I had a Sarma sighting the other day! Thought of you! Pure is basically in my neighborhood, so seeing her around is not uncommon. Thank god her place is so pricey, otherwise I would be camped out there! ;)


Hanlie said...

That all sounds delicious! Yum! I'm glad it went well - I knew you'd pull it off!

Lisa said...

Oh cool! - oh and sorry I forgot it was you Raw Food workshop weekend ... I didn't really think that you'd fallen down the tomato pit... :-V
Thanks for posting the photos YaH! I FINALLY purchased a digital camera today, so am excited to be able to personalize my blog some more.
Super dreaming! hey and it's not even a full moon!
Touche' - last night my mind was analysing my dream as I was dreaming it... dreaming that my ex was deaf - thinking that he needed to listen to his "inner voice'. Sounds kinda corny, I know.
Well, Big Hugs to Ya xxx

Anonymous said...

Ben your Blog rocks!! I can't believe you been "hiding" this all these time.

For those of you that are reading this, for your info I work with Ben and its been an amazing journey witnessing and learning as Ben works his way through the juice feast.


P.S: I'm serious about the raw cooking party! Sleep on it and let me know